exe valley federation

Exe Valley



Beech Class

Welcome to Beech Class! We are Year 5 and 6.

Our teacher is Mr Perkins, and our Head of School Mrs Theedom teaches us on Mondays too. We are supported by Mr Wooly and Mrs Dafters. 


In Beech Class, we expect to see children demonstrate increased initiative and a growing responsibility for independent learning. Our approach to learning in school follows Growth Mindset which has proven that praising effort rather than attainment, not only creates a more positive attitude to learning, also helps students to ultimately achieve more.

Y5 had a fantastic time on residential!

Each year a group of Year 6s tackle the Exmoor Challenge. This is a 16.8 mile hike around Exmoor, using only a map, compass and route to guide us! This year it was extra tough because of the sun but we all achieved it!


Each year, our class have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument as part of our Whole Class Ensemble curriculum enhancement. Last year we learnt to play a brass instrument and this year it has been violins. Lots of children chose to continue having peripatetic lessons after, and many of us play in the school band!



Each term we explore a new topic, with a geography or history driver. We aim to find the information needed to answer our big question. Where possible, we work in a thematic way, as we know this helps us make links between learning. We have ‘pick and mix’ homework tasks which relate to this. We are avid readers in Beech, enjoying daily whole class and independent reading, as well as devouring class texts. Have a look at our rolling programme. Further information can be found under the Curriculum tab.

UKS2 Rolling Programme 


What's the difference between East and West?

How has our world changed and what does the future hold?

Our Changing World Learning Map Our Changing World Home Learning

Why are rivers so important?

During the Summer term we will be considering 'Why are rivers so important?'

Learning Map Home Learning

How did early humans live?

Our topic for Spring 2 was 'Stone Age to Iron Age' as we asked the question 'How did early humans live?' We kicked off our history learning with a visit to Kents Cavern. 
Stone Age Learning Map Stone Age Home Learning

Stone Age Cover Page Forces Cover Page

Automata Animals Cover Page Salvation Cover Page

 Is there enough for everyone?

We started 2023 with a geography topic: Energy and the Environment. We asked 'Is there enough for everyone?' Through this we thought about the needs of a settlement, and the needs of the planet as a whole. We found out where resources such as power and food come from, and look at ways in which natural resources can be conserved. After discussing the idea of a carbon footprint, we considered how our  actions impact on others around the world. 

Energy and the Environment Learning Map

Energy and the Environment Home Learning 

Energy and the Environment Cover Page Light Cover Page  Selection Cover Page Torah Cover Page

How did the Ancient Maya civilization differ from aspects of British history?

Last half term, our topic had a history driver and was called 'The Mayans'. We were answering the big question: How did the Ancient Mayan civilization differ from aspects of British history? During the unit we strived to:

- Understand who the Maya were and where they lived.

- Discover the religious beliefs of the Maya people, understand how they worshipped and find out about some of their gods.

- Explore the Maya number and writing system.

- Find out about the foods that were eaten by the Maya people and why certain foods were particularly significant.

The Mayans Learning Map The Mayans Knowledge Organiser

The Mayans Key Learning The Mayans Pick and Mix Home Learning

The Mayans Cover Page

What's it like to live in the Americas?

Our first topic had a geography driver and was called 'Amazing Americas.' We considered 'What's it like to live in the Americas?' We found out about the physical and human geography of North and South America and compared this to our locality. 

Amazing Americas Learning Map Amazing Americas Knowledge Organiser

Amazing Americas Pick and Mix Home Learning Amazing Americas Cover Page

Were the Vikings raiders or traders?


What's the difference between East and West?



Victorians Home Learning Victorians Learning Map 




There is lots of information about how to support your child's learning on the 'how to help your child at home' page under 'home schooling'. CLICK HERE