exe valley federation

Exe Valley


We are justifiably proud of our school, but don't just take our word for it...

Please take a moment to see what some of our parents think of our school. The quotes below have been taken from our most recent Ofsted Report, Child Conferences and the 2023 Parent Questionnaire. 

Ofsted Feedback 2023

 To read our full Ofsted Report, please click the following link:

Newton St. Cyres Ofsted Report - 17th and 18th October 2023

Parent View

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is an essential part of Newton St. Cyres School, as we feel it is important that their voice is heard and that they have a say in how the school develops. Below are some testimonials from the children taken from child conferences and also our year 6 exit survey.

Newton St. Cyres Year 6 Survey 2023

Positive Social Media Interactions

Our new Facebook Page has been a real success this year and has helped to keep parents and carers up to date with events in a quick and efficient manner. Read some testimonials below about how this has had a positive impact on parents.

COVID Response and Remote Learning

 During lockdown, Newton St. Cyres opened as a hub school for the federation. We also used E-Schools as a learning platform to support children through the pandemic. Below are some comments taken from our COVID response and remote learning questionnaire.

We were also selected for an Ofsted monitoring visit. This visit was conducted under section 8 of the Education Act 2005 (as amended) and in accordance with Ofsted’s published procedures for visiting schools while routine inspections were temporarily suspended. The focus of the visit was to observe how the education system is managing the return to full 2 education for pupils, following an extended break in formal schooling due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Our report can be found below:

Ofsted Monitoring Visit October 2020