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Exe Valley

Home Learning

Home Learning at Newton St. Cyres is an important part of the school week. We want to ensure that home learning is linked to work in school, is enriching and engaging and offers opportunities for families to talk about learning and the learning process.

Home Learning takes two forms at Newton St. Cyres; Pick and Mix Homework and Home Learning Projects. Pick and Mix homework gives children ownership of their home learning across English, maths and thematic based learning. A child can choose which piece or pieces of work to complete each week. The only expectation is that there is a range of homework competed across the three areas by the end of each half term. 

Home learning projects run over a half term/term and allow a child to deepen their understanding of a particular area linked to their class topic. Children will be given a guide or stimulus to begin their learning and then they present their findings on an agreed date. The home learning projects are presented and celebrated as a class with parents and carers invited in to share in the successes as an acknowledgement for their contributions at home.

Alongside pick and mix and home learning projects, we also expect weekly reading, spellings and times tables to be completed in line with class expectations. Links to these can be found below:

Click on the Letter Join link to access your child's Letter Join page. This can be used on PCs and also Tablets and iPads. 


 Click on the Numbots link to access your child's Numbots page. This can be used on PCs and also Tablets and iPads. 


Click on the TT Rockstars link to access your child's TT Rockstars page. This can be used on PCs and also Tablets and iPads. 


Click on the Spelling Frame link to access your child's Spelling Frame page. This can be used on PCs and also Tablets and iPads. 


Home Learning CYCLE A (2024-2025)

Nursery Home Learning

All About Me Home Learning (Aut 1)

Reception Home Learning

Little Wandle Phonics Home Learning (Aut 1)

Class 2 Home Learning

Year 1 Handwriting Practice - Letter Formation

Year 2 Letter Formation and Worksheets

Our Local Area Home Learning (Aut 1)

Class 3 Home Learning

Extreme Earth Home Learning (Aut 1)

Class 4 Home Learning

South America Home Learning (Aut 1)

Spelling Frame (Aut 1)

Home Learning Gallery Examples (2022-2023)

Home learning is very popular at Newton St. Cyres and all children engage in innovative learning projects. We are always very grateful for parental engagement and involvement and their role in developing lifelong learning away from the classroom. Below is a gallery of homework projects from this academic year (22/23)

Class 2 - Transport and Castles

 Class 3 - All Around the World

 Class 4 - Shang Dynasty

 Home Learning CYCLE B (2023-2024)

Foundation Stage Unit Home Learning

Reception Mapping Challenge (UTW)

Class 2 Home Learning

Rio de Vada - Home Learning (Aut 1)

Great Fire of London - Home learning Project (Aut 2)

Splendid Skies - Home Learning (Spr 1)

War and Remembrance - Home Learning Project (Spr 2)

Magical Mapping - Home Learning (Sum 1)

Nurturing Nurses - Home Learning Project (Sum 2)

Class 3 Home Learning

USA - Home Learning (Aut 1)

Stone Age to Iron Age - Home Learning Project (Aut 2)

Land Use - Home Learning (Spr 1)

The Romans - Home Learning Project (Spr 2)

The UK - Home Learning (Sum 1)

Fractions in a Line (Worksheet)Decimal Jigsaw (Worksheet)

Ancient Greece - Home Learning Project (Sum 2)

Class 4 Home Learning

Our Changing World - Home Learning (Aut 1)

Victorians - Home Learning Project (Aut 2)

Exploring Eastern Europe - Home Learning (Spr 1)

Year 6 Revision Letter Home Learning

Vikings and Anglo Saxons - Home Learning Project (Spr 2)

Trade and Economics - Home Learning (Sum 1)

Leisure and Entertainment - Home Learning (Sum 2)