exe valley federation

Exe Valley


Key Learning

Our Learning Maps show an overview of subject content taught within each half term.

These are accompanied by Cover Pages, which show the key knowledge taught within the subjects.

Otter Class

Otter Class Rolling Programme

Learning Maps

Home Sweet Home (Autumn 1 2023) Let's Celebrate (Autumn 2 2023) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Spring 1 2024)

Creedy Class

KS1 Rolling Programme - Creedy Class

Learning Maps

Creedy Class Learning Map Autumn 2023 Creedy Class Learning Map Spring 2024

Cover Pages

Geography - Wonderful Weather Geography - At the Farm History - The First World War History - The Great Fire of London

Science - Everyday Materials 1 Science - Seasonal Changes (Autumn/Winter) Science - Biodiversity: Minibeasts Science - Uses of Everyday Materials 2

Computing - Grouping Data Computing - Pictograms Computing - Digital Writing

DT - Making a Moving Monster Music - Timbre and Rhythmic Patterns

Music - Dynamics, Timbre, Tempo and Motifs Music - Pitch and Tempo


Tavy Class

KS2 Rolling Programme

Learning Maps

Tavy Class Learning Map Autumn 2023 Tavy Class Learning Map Spring 2024

Cover Pages

Geography - The United Kingdom Geography - Mexico History - The Mayans History - Crime and Punishment

Science - Electricity Science - Sound Science - Animals Including Humans 3 Science - Light

Computing - Branching Databases Computing - Data-Logging Computing - Desktop Publishing

DT - Torches Music - Jazz 

Music - Samba and Carnival Sounds and Instruments Music - Pentatonic Melodies and Compostion

Dart Class

KS2 Rolling Programme

Learning Maps

Dart Class Learning Map Autumn 2023 Dart Class Learning Map Spring 2024

Cover Pages

Geography - Brilliant Britain Geography - South America History - The Benin Kingdom History - Medicine and Disease

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats Science - Evolution and Inheritance Science - Animals Including Humans 5 Science - Light Computing - Flat-file Databases

Computing - Introduction to Spreadsheets Computing - Introduction to Vector Graphics DT - Come Dine with Me

Music - Looping and Remixing Music - Themes and Variations - Pop Art Music - Compositions for the Festival of Colour